
Pam helps contractors grow their businesses, increase profits, win tenders, employ the right people and stop firefighting using his 20+ years of experience in the industry



Pam helps contractors grow their businesses, increase profits, win tenders, employ the right people and stop firefighting using his 20+ years of experience in the industry


Why Work With Pam

Expertise & Experience

Pam featherstone spent 32 years in the construction industry working at board level for several well known 50M+ businesses. Since then he has coached dozens of businesses in the industry.

Accredited Profit Coach

Now, as a fully accredited Profit Coach, Pam specialises in helping business owners find the hidden profits and untapped opportunities in their organisations, put the best systems and processes in place to ensure everything runs smoothly, and create a long-term strategy that builds a robust company and secure future.


Why Work With Pam

Expertise & Experience

Pam featherstone spent 32 years in the construction industry working at board level for several well known 50M+ businesses. Since then he has coached dozens of businesses in the industry.

Accredited Profit Coach

Now, as a fully accredited Profit Coach, Pam specialises in helping business owners find the hidden profits and untapped opportunities in their organisations, put the best systems and processes in place to ensure everything runs smoothly, and create a long-term strategy that builds a robust company and secure future.

The way Pam works

Enjoy Your Business

To stay in the business, driving it forwards spending just a couple of days on it a week - at most) because business is in your blood.

Sell Your Business

To be able to sell your company to the highest bidder because it's such an easy organisation to manage.

Hire Someone To Run It

To hire an MD to run the business for you whilst you enjoy a passive income and live the lifestyle you desire.

Find how Pam can help you


Pam's Story


Cut me in half, and you'll find the word business throughout my core.

I started my first business at the tender age of 17.

10 years later, I had a dozen employees working for me.

Life was crazy.

I worked an average of 95 stressful and non-stop hours a week. That's whilst being a single parent trying to bring up a ten year old son.

I never stopped. I wasn't looking after myself. Yet people thought I was a successful business woman who was going places.

Then disaster struck.

Whilst everyone else was celebrating the first day of a new millennium, my world was turned upside down.

I didn't think anything of it to start with...

I mean, it was just flu.

And I had a business to run and important stuff to get done. But what I didn't realise was whilst I was flogging my self to death in the business and dosing up on flu remedies, the virus was working its way into my spinal cord.

A day or two later, I was admitted into hospital in horrific pain and unable to think.

By the third day, the virus had spread into the spinal cord's full length causing full-body paralysis. A couple of days later, the doctors put me into medically induced coma. On the tenth day, my son was brought in to see me for the last time as the doctors feared I wouldn't make the night.

Amazingly, against all expectations, I regained consciousness a day later.

Weak and barely able to do anything, it took me two long years to fight my way back to health.

In that dark time, I lost nearly everything! My needy business couldn't survive without me so it went into liquidation. And my son and I suffered the embarrassment of going from living in a lovely home and having what appeared like a great life... to existing in rented squalor and 72K of debt.

And I'm grateful for the experience.

Let me share why.

It was in that dreadful period I took a step back and examined what I'd been doing for the last twenty or so years in businesses. I also took the opportunity to read as many books as possible about business, systems, finances, law, leadership, management, sales and marketing.

And what I discovered astounded me. There was a far better way of doing things.


In the third year, I started again.

But this time, because I was still so weak, I couldn't do anything in my new business. Instead, I had no choice other than manage and guide my team to do all the work using everything I'd learnt in the previous two years of self-education.

Five years later, I had made all the money I ever set out to make because of the new knowledge I'd gained. Enabling me to sell both businesses and "retire" at the young age of 46 with more money than I would ever need.


I Know The Obstacles You Face

But because I'm not one for sitting around and doing nothing, I set up my coaching business as I wanted to ensure others didn't go through the same traumatic experiences my son and I shared.

Since becoming a coach, I've personally shared my knowledge and practical experiences with many hundreds of business owners. I've also won multiple awards and enjoyed seeing my clients win their fair share of business accolades too.

Find how Pam can help you


Pam's Story


Cut me in half, and you'll find the word business throughout my core.

I started my first business at the tender age of 17.

10 years later, I had a dozen employees working for me.

Life was crazy.

I worked an average of 95 stressful and non-stop hours a week. That's whilst being a single parent trying to bring up a ten year old son.

I never stopped. I wasn't looking after myself. Yet people thought I was a successful business woman who was going places.

Then disaster struck.

Whilst everyone else was celebrating the first day of a new millennium, my world was turned upside down.

I didn't think anything of it to start with...

I mean, it was just flu.

And I had a business to run and important stuff to get done. But what I didn't realise was whilst I was flogging my self to death in the business and dosing up on flu remedies, the virus was working its way into my spinal cord.

A day or two later, I was admitted into hospital in horrific pain and unable to think.

By the third day, the virus had spread into the spinal cord's full length causing full-body paralysis. A couple of days later, the doctors put me into medically induced coma. On the tenth day, my son was brought in to see me for the last time as the doctors feared I wouldn't make the night.

Amazingly, against all expectations, I regained consciousness a day later.

Weak and barely able to do anything, it took me two long years to fight my way back to health.

In that dark time, I lost nearly everything! My needy business couldn't survive without me so it went into liquidation. And my son and I suffered the embarrassment of going from living in a lovely home and having what appeared like a great life... to existing in rented squalor and 72K of debt.

And I'm grateful for the experience.

Let me share why.

It was in that dreadful period I took a step back and examined what I'd been doing for the last twenty or so years in businesses. I also took the opportunity to read as many books as possible about business, systems, finances, law, leadership, management, sales and marketing.

And what I discovered astounded me. There was a far better way of doing things.


In the third year, I started again.

But this time, because I was still so weak, I couldn't do anything in my new business. Instead, I had no choice other than manage and guide my team to do all the work using everything I'd learnt in the previous two years of self-education.

Five years later, I had made all the money I ever set out to make because of the new knowledge I'd gained. Enabling me to sell both businesses and "retire" at the young age of 46 with more money than I would ever need.


I Know The Obstacles You Face

But because I'm not one for sitting around and doing nothing, I set up my coaching business as I wanted to ensure others didn't go through the same traumatic experiences my son and I shared.

Since becoming a coach, I've personally shared my knowledge and practical experiences with many hundreds of business owners. I've also won multiple awards and enjoyed seeing my clients win their fair share of business accolades too.

The PROFIT Coach Values

Be Bold.

Have Fun.

Change Lives.

Our Strategic Intent

Help 3000+ new business owners to collectively grow their profits by over $100 million every year so that they can

  • Live better lives
  • Serve more people
  • Make a bigger difference


Still Have A Question?

Coaching isn't for everyone. People who have a closed mind to trying new things or always know-best, no matter the situation do not make good candidates for coaching. In order to get the best results, you need to have an open mind and actively be looking for better ways of doing things.

We will meet up twice a month for ninety minutes over a zoom call (or in person). The exact agenda for each session will depend on your objectives. However, we always look at what’s happening in your business so that we can deal with, discard or delegate any urgent problems that are causing you stress or upsetting your team. Then the rest of the session will focus on the important strategies needed to stabilise and grow your business.

No, business coaching is not about bossing you about or telling you what to do. A good coach is there to help make the difficult decisions that keep you awake at night, find the short-term opportunities that will bring in the cash and pick the right long-term strategies that will build your business. You will always be in control of the direction of your business and what you or your team need to do.

Whilst no guarantee can be made about your specific business, most people get a good return on their investment within the first couple of months - both financially and emotionally.

Ultimately Coaching Programme

is all about working with you on a 1-1 basis so that we can get you the exact results you want in the fastest possible time.

Ultimately Coaching Programme

is all about working with you on a 1-1 basis so that we can get you the exact results you want in the fastest possible time

Profit Coach built a ready made and proven system that enables you to concentrate on growing your construction business


Increase Profits In Your Construction Business